"Utilize Terraform to set up a three-tier architecture on AWS."

"Utilize Terraform to set up a three-tier architecture on AWS."

What is 3-Tier Architecture?

Three-tier architecture is a software architecture pattern that divides an application into three interconnected layers: presentation, logic, and data. This design helps improve scalability, maintainability, and separation of concerns in software development.

Resources needed to be created are:-

  1. vpc.tf

  2. subnet.tf

    1. sg.tf

      1. route-tb.tf

        1. nat.tf

        2. internet-gw.tf

        3. variables.tf

        4. providers.tf

        5. ec2.tf

        6. alb.tf

        7. eip.tf

Resources we need to install in our Web-Servers and DB-Server are:-

  1. Install httpd in both the Web-Server:-

    sudo yum install httpd -y

    sudo systemctl start httpd -y

    systemctl status httpd

  2. Install mysql in DB-Server:-

    sudo yum install mysql -y

How to execute our Terraform scripts:-

  1. terraform init

  2. terraform validate

  3. terraform plan

  4. terraform apply

  5. terraform destroy - After your project is finished execute this command

After terraform apply then switch to our both Web-Server & DB-Server created by using Terraform:- ssh -i <keypair.pem> ec2-user@publicip_of_server-1 and Start our httpd service. Do the same with Server 2.

Then go to DB-Server:- ssh -i <keypair.pem> DB-Server_Private-IP and install mysql.


Finally, our complete 3-Tier Application is up and running with Application LoadBalancer

Tips:- While switching to Different servers change the pem file permissions every time to 400 e.g.:- chmod 400 keypair.pem

Terraform Installation Commands for Amazon-Linux:-

  1. sudo yum install -y yum-utils

  2. sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://rpm.releases.hashicorp.com/AmazonLinux/hashicorp.repo

  3. sudo yum -y install terraform

  4. terraform -v

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